Wow, spending time with people that you'll miss is tough on my body and mind... But I'm sure will all be worth it in the end. Speaking of which, I have something like 24 more days here?... Talk about how I should be getting scared and nervous but am not really yet. I wonder if that'll happen when I finally get the tickets in my hand... Also speaking of which, I have not heard from the PC on that issue (claro que no)...
And on a semi-related note (that of not sleeping enough), Coachella should be fantastic this weekend. I really can't wait to leave tomorrow at 4 am. Whoo hoo! Hopefully Steph and I'll get back Monday, though, since there's "talk" of closing down LAX as a result of the "day with no latinos." Which I couldn't be upset about since I wholeheartedly support the boycott and demonstrations, but I can't imagine would be too thrilled with if I found myself tiredly and dirtily hanging out all day in the Los Angeles airport...